Unable to handle the slide and dip,
Of my quality of life?
That’s not the way I choose to live.
Or the outlook of my life I would like!
Not me.
And if I felt that way…
You wouldn’t see it!
My eyes have been wide open too long.
The steps I’ve taken have been calculated,
To confront and not ignore impossible obstacles.
And finding them more feared!
Each time I got near them.
Until I removed doubt and replaced that with faith!
I’m not good at faking defeat or submission.
After tasting humiliation a few times,
And realizing that strengthened my mind…
I began to welcome challenges!
With criticisms and judgements passed.
Relying on luck is not the way I live.
I’ve learned to trust myself.
And keep my mouth shut…
Around others who wish to describe every pain they have,
Without a word of gratitude expressed…
For anything or anyone!
Would you rather that I’d be bent and twisted?
Raging in fits.
Unable to handle the slide and dip,
Of my quality of life?
Sorry to disappoint.
But none of your opinions,
Or other shared thoughts…
Are on my agenda!
Right now.
But who knows?
Things do change,
And rearrange themselves over time…
When a mind can become absent of consciousness.
I recommend and suggest,
You become less preoccupied with a mental diminishing
That seems to keep you attracted.
None of us are above being snapped or cracked.

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