Best ideas are expressed with poignant and impressive points to sway all;
But forms of writing depend on the nature, skill and taste of writers sure!
Writers are titled as journalists, novelists, essayists and poets by the public;
Duration of taking time to finish a work of writing depends up on mood and urge;
But poetry is like a flash of lightning of ideas a poet has to write by talent;
Among them there are experts noted for particular themes only in general!
Poetry is entirely different from all kinds of writings we know and like ever!
For all forms of writings, one may get ideas and matters somehow or other;
But synchronizing ideas, thoughts, points, rhythm and structure needs skill
Unique to one and a natural gift that create wonder amazing to poet and readers!
Writing is an elaborate and tedious work whether one is a genius or expert sure;
But poetry writing is precis of a book expressed in a few lines only by the gifted ones!

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