I was on a bus to Ballybunion out by the Kerry sea
And Dan Healy from Inches sat on seat next to me.
‘Twas Dan Healy suggested that we get off at Listowel
As it seemed a nice enough day to spend at the Fleadh Cheoil
The Fleadh Cheoil only once a year and much to do and see
And lots of entertainment and most of it was free.
We got off the bus at Listowel as I remember yet
And that festival of music is one I won’t forget
Traditional musicians from all parts of Ireland and some from overseas
On side walks all around Listowel played old time melodies.
The pubs and restaurants were full and doing a roaring trade
And it was nice to stand and watch the musical parade
Musicians from all Nations and places far away
Brought happiness and colour to a memorable day.
But our day out at the Fleadh Cheoil did not end in note of joy
We waited for the Millstreet bus but it did not come by
We’d been standing on our feet all day and thought of walking got me down
As after seven Dan and I walked out of Listowel Town.
We must have walked fifteen or sixteen miles my aching feet felt sore
But Dan almost twice my age could have walked to Rathmore
Whilst I lagged back and felt the pinch he briskly walked ahead
And I could only drag my feet as if my shoes were lead.
We waved our thumbs to every car but they kept speeding on
And we thought of a roadside sleep that all hopes of a drive had gone
Till one kind driver stopped for us he was Killarney bound
And we felt glad so very glad that our feet were off the ground.
As the saying go when your luck’s in good luck with you will stay
And outside Killarney we got a lift from one going Millstreet way
Frank Hickey stopped to pick us up he lived quite close to Dan
And I crawled into bed that morning a tired and worn out man.
The memories come back to me of a great day in Listowel
The music and festivities of Ireland’s big Fleadh Cheoil
And our long walk in the evening late my shoes seemed made of lead
And Dan Healy years older than I quite briskly walked ahead.

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