And at times than to tell the truth it is easier by far to lie
And that’s as sure as ducks can’t bark and that’s as sure as dogs can’t fly.
You are never too old to love and to feel that inner glow
That you felt you had lost and that only the young know
For those who do believe love to the young only belong
As sure as day follows night they have surely got it wrong.
You are never too old to love and you are never too old to sing
And when the aged fall in love it is such a lovely thing
And when people fall in love though the years on them do show
The happiness in their eyes tell of love’s inner glow.
You are never too old to love that is a fact of life
Despite his advanced years the old man can love his old wife
As much as he loved her when they both were in their life’s prime
For true love remains young it does not grow old in time.

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