It is like fragrance object with deer
But runs after it with so much fear
We are an intelligent human being
But lacked same zeal by poor or king
Sometimes as danger or good it repeatedly rings
But we fail to capitalize on it and bring
You go on thousand pilgrimages
Donate millions of rupees with advancement of old age
But your soul will be confined to lone cage
That will find lonely even to imprint on page
So to search within is real answer
This fact may be realized by fewer
The happiness may be precious and remain forever
That shall stay as permanent and never disappear
Happiness or unhappiness lies in eyes or memory
That impression remains and taken further or carried
What we leave behind is nothing but lots of confusion
And this is enough to create a blurred vision
So as said, the object is seen as eyes wants to see
The world may look beautiful, colorful and free
If internal doors are closed and forbidden
Rest all happiness may stand totally forgotten

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