But the good karma you have built with interest grow
And the happy times again you’ll live to know.
Your neighbour Mandy she is sixty nine
And she sees you as a bright ray of sun shine
She is on a pension and few poorer than she
And in poor health and she knows of poverty.
To help her out you go out of your way
For her do jobs and does not accept pay
And karma take note of the good you do
And karma one day will be kind to you.
You will find a well paid job you wait and see
And you’ll be much better off financially
For karma comes to the good person’s aid
And for your good deeds in kind you will be paid.
You’ve been out of work for five months since the factory was closed down
And all jobs taken in your country town
But your neighbour Mandy for your good luck pray
And karma will be kind to you one day.

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