To provoke peals of laughter he goes close to the obscene
The jester of our workplace the reveller supreme.
He’s good for entertaining a good laugh every day
And the work place can be boring when big Joe is away,
I’ve never seen him out of sorts he’s always in good mood
And he tell some very funny jokes though some of his punch lines can be crude.
A man in his late forties blond hair and oval face
He makes outrageous statements but his hearts in the right place
When Joe is around there’s laughter at what he say and do,
He laugh like kookaburra and he talk like cockatoo.
You meet him in the bar room and he’ll shout you pots of beer
And he make the bar maid happy when he say to her ‘my dear’
The famed Joe Ray from Bunyip for his wit he’s in renown
One of the most endearing characters his side of Melbourne Town

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