and you are plunged into darkness.
The time is 11 o’clock at night,
the curtains are pulled,
and there is not a glimmer of light.
You fumble around in the darkness
knocking ornaments off the shelf,
tripping over your pets
as they snooze on the floor
while you search franticly
for a light of any sort.
You find a candle and lit it,
then give a deep sigh,
which blow the candle out,
but not before, you’ve found
a flashlight with no batteries,
which sound about right
when you’re in a blackout.
Finally, you get a light
and go to the fuse box
only to find no fuse wire
there or anywhere.
You are stuck in a panic
of what to do,
then I did what anyone would do
go to bed and sort it out
when the morning appeared,
and that is just what I did.
4 October 2011

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