With innocence with much confusion,
Your question is, ‘How was God born? ‘
Although this is difficult question for many,
Still this is not impossible to answer,
By mercy of eternal father I try here,
He whispers and I start this counselling.
We saw birth of many creatures, as we see now,
Through natural processes bodies are formed,
Conscious energy enters and drives a body,
Nature plays major role in such process.
We see body comes out from mother’s womb,
This process is termed as birth in Earth,
Body does not cry itself; this is soul, who cries,
Tear comes out from new born child’s eyes.
While there is birth there is death also,
When soul leaves the body, it dies and falls down.
The picture of birth comes in our mind,
This is a mysterious art done by nature in life.
Neither does God enter in Mother’s womb,
Nor does he hold a body like human being,
He is beyond birth and death and beyond time,
Nature controls us but does not control God.
God controls entire nature and his creation,
God is self originator; he is mom and dad of won,
God is point of light and light is his womb.
Being point he remains inside and reflects rays.
From his own light he generates the cosmos,
Whenever he desires he absorbs cosmos within,
You walk in a cycle and identify the origin,
You observe a point and detect the ending.
A cycle is almost similar to fine point as we know,
Eternity and infinity are hands of God,
He is ocean in a point and most powerful,
As we are souls, he is our eternal father and mother.
In material world in this Earth as per previous actions,
Nature captures the soul and binds inside a body,
Inside a mother’s womb child remains certainly,
Then as per time nature brings child outside.
But nature does not able to bind Supreme Soul,
Supreme Soul is God and nature is originated from him,
Nature is under his control and no bodily womb carries him,
God is wisdom and he carries peace, bliss and love.
God was born from self and all souls were born from him,
God was point of light earlier as he is now as we fell
And souls were also points of light as they are now,
Eternity was God’s choice as this is now and in infinity.
© Kumarmani Mahakul,22 March 2018. All rights reserved.

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