These are the boss’s orders and if his orders we do not obey
He might give us a written warning or worse than that dock us in pay.
There’s no one to use work van telephone no one except for Tim
As he is my trustworthy foreman and I can depend on him
I’ve been told that Joe used my telephone to company policy he must adhere
He rang his Jenny to pick him up, I must have a word in his ear.
And Bill he got off at High street road that fellow is cunning and slack
And the next time that he pulls one on me I think I will give him the sack
I pay my employees good money yet some of them don’t respect me
And from now on all disloyal servants should not expect any sympathy.
The next time I talk to my workers I must make my position clear
For too long I have been Mr Softy the best way to rule is by fear
I’ll warn them that I’ve had enough of all those who choose to undermine
And that the next one who pulls fast one on me is putting his job on the line

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