In your past there may not be any acts of shame but still it will keep following you around
It is with you where ever you will go it is not back there in your old Homeground.
You hear one say he or she behind them have left their past though their past goes with them to everywhere they go
When others ask you where do you come from ’tis of your past they only wish to know
When they want to know of your Ancestral Land their words underline racist tones maybe
Though it could be just an introduction line as such questions seem innocous to me.
Like your’s my past is with me for to stay and memories of what was I do recall
Like the goat like sound the snipe make with his wings and tail above the bog in Spring after Nightfall
And the big bird song of the tiny brown wren a natural thing of beauty is a thing of joy
Your past it seems to follow you around and it will be with you till the day you die.
You may live distant from your old Homeplace far from the Schoolyard you played in as a girl or boy
But you can still recall your Childhood years when Santa brought to you your Christmas toy
Your past has followed you across the World and with you till your own end it will stay
For your past are only memories good or bad and memories never seem to fade away.

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