just needlemarks and drugs and clutter
you looked at me and mumbled ‘Honey’.
I took you in and gave you food
drew you a bath and dressed you well
at first you seemed a bit subdued
but later sprang from your hard shell.
You took advantage of my age
because you smelled my many riches
today I flew into a rage
just thinking of the many bitches
who tried your sordid game and failed
but why, I ask you, why you too?
I was the one with whom you sailed
around the world to Timbuktu.
You told me on the steps of Rome
how much you loved me above all,
you mentioned that no nicer gnome
had been adored by one so tall
we made a funny couple, thus
one short one tall, but both in love
and now, what triggered all this fuss
just when I called you my sweet dove?
It is not often that this works,
where ancient geezers who are rich
co-incidentally though jerks
they never think there is a glitch.
I taped your covert conversation
with my own chauffeur, whom I trusted
what a tremendous aberration
that he is one who’s also lusted
for your hot body, just like me,
but I am a great problem solver
if you did think I’d set you free
just have a look at this revolver,
the caliber is thirty-eight
no, do not move, I shall not miss
for an escape it is too late,
so here you are, take this and this.

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