She could have married back there and raised her children
But like she says it wasn’t meant to be.
All of her sisters and brothers emigrated
To England and to the U.S of A
But Mary was the one who travelled furthest
To Australia thousands of miles away.
She is married to a good Australian fellow
And with year old twins a girl and a boy
Mary is happy in the Land Down Under
And the lifestyle in Australia she enjoy.
She says why marry and have children in Duhallow
if you only raise them for the migrant plane?
I feel happy that I came here to Australia
And in this Land Down Under I’ll remain
It’s Springtime now back home in old Duhallow
And the redbreast pipes his distinct melody
And in the lush green fields wildflowers are blooming
And pretty white blossoms cloak the hawthorn tree.
And male pheasant is wing clapping and cucking
In rushes and scutch grass that reach to the knee
And meadow pipits all day long are singing
Above the green fields bordering Boherbue.
It’s late Fall now in Gippsland in Victoria
And the weather warmer than an Irish Spring
And the wattlebirds are calling in her garden
And the white backed magpie on the gum tree sing.
And Mary from Boherbue is feeling happy
And she doesn’t pine for Duhallow in May
In fact she says she’s happy out of Ireland
Her Homeland more than half a world away.

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