And about your Town of Millstreet far away
That is what ‘Aussie Dave’ to me did say.
My cousin John was in Ireland last July
And in thirty days of summer four days dry
And he did not rave about the scenery
The fog cloaked hills he did not often see.
And though he found the Irish people overall quite nice
The hospitality came at a price
For the cost of living there he said was high
And not much free activities to enjoy.
I love Australia my Homeland says Dave
And if ever for a holiday I’ll save
It will be for Byron Bay or the Gold Coast maybe
But never for a Land beyond the sea.
You talk about the fields of Claraghatlea
Lush and green and in their wild flowers of the May
And the spring water bubbling in Tubrid Well
Such stories I have often heard you tell.
Your stories mate I’ve heard them all before
Suppose the savage loves his native shore
But Australia ‘mate’ is good enough for me
And I never yearn for land beyond the sea.

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