Knowing edges of memories can take me there, I wait for
dream-like inspiration to take my hand and heart leading
me into the foray of past images.
Delegating feelings to fill my heart with tears, drifting
from inner emotional content.
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Allowances are never given for those who deserve them,
of others, and left to their own devices, ruin it formany who would appreciate the chance.
Interior emotions dwelling quietly inside, watching as I go about a daily routine, independently of them.
A lightness, airy, taking me into dimensions that have freed me from issues of yesterday, leaving me in a quietly peaceful atmosphere of joy, elating my spirit tremendously.
Drinking in beautiful green with soul and eyes as one.
interior barriers deep into nighttime surrender.Wondering what future thoughts will find or become onsuch a plain as this – where soul travels alone –spiritual freedom guiding life along separate pathsthan others on our earth.
Quietly experiencing a solace of intense silence, enveloping my intellect.
Exquisite thoughts etching themselves permanently into my brain cells forever.Tapping into these exacting moments gives me free rein to BE, just BE myself.
Rhyming in energetic sounds,
Images finding similar tastesheld in bouquets of past aromas.Total adjuncts are being broughttogether as I wander grounds ofdesert views, believing theimpossible will be brought tosight in avalanches of brightenedstillness.Giving in to mementos, taking onlywhat is expected from thoughtfulinterviews.Likened aspects are being keptunder wraps until being broughtforward in videos, on tap in mind’srealms and imagination.