Got some marks
That mar her beauty.
She wanted to be somebody
Got treated
And finely bleached
Cultured like a piece of gem.
Archaic name amended
To elegant and one of a kind
It rings a bell
On everybody’s ears
It suited the urbane life.
Admired the new identity
Loved the newly acquired personality
The sophistication
And savor faire.
A beauty without a flaw
One that shimmers
And shines
That knocks everyone’s socks off.
She became a social animal
Traits changed
To suit one and all
Mingled with the public
Too many of them to handle
Too many emotions to deal with.
She cried for help
But she became distant
Elusive as Siberian Tiger
Back to a reclusive
Rural life
Where she truly belong.
Copyright 2017, Rose Marie Juan- Austin, All Rights Reserved

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