Oh no. It is the
day after my
high school
friend‘s birthday,
and I forgot to
call her yesterday.
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Seraphim’s devotion,by angels’ obedience,by resurrection’s hopeunto reward,by Patriarchs’ prayersby Prophets’ word of power,by Apostles’ preachingby Confessors’ faith,by Holy Virgins’ purity,by righteous men’s deeds.(Reflections on The Deer’s Song: Lorica Of St. Patrick)
I collected dry weeds,
beaming with love.It became lovely flowers.
My heart is stirred to
came into the worldto bring life that was‘the light of men.’Because he walkedamong us, he knowsthe depth of every struggle,and every experience ofbrokenness or loss.In his love for us,he overcame deathand darkness so thatI not only can see lightBut i shouldbelight for others.I long to reflect thatlight into the livesof others, as othershave done for…
The Psalmist,
and wrote aninspired anthemwith a deep andpersonal love.‘Your Word is a lampto my feet and alight for my path’.‘Oh, how I love Your Word!I meditate on it all day long.’‘The unfolding of YourWords gives light;it gives understandingto the simple.’(Reference to Psalm 119of The Holy Bible) .
May the universe
unimaginable ways.May the creatorof this magnificentuniverse fill yourheart withLove and mercy.
Poetry uses form to reveal
of human experiencethat gives meaningto a wider range of experience.Such an art may bethought of as an incarnationof the genius of rhythm,manifesting the living spiritof things with a clearerbeauty and intense power.