Stephen’s words
the heart ofthese religious-minded men.They startedto gnash on himwith their teeth,and they pickedup rocks tostone this godly man.(Ref. to the murderof St. Stephenin the Acts of theApostles 7: 57 of heNew Testament)
the heart ofthese religious-minded men.They startedto gnash on himwith their teeth,and they pickedup rocks tostone this godly man.(Ref. to the murderof St. Stephenin the Acts of theApostles 7: 57 of heNew Testament)
as a part of Godand thereforemost caringand respectfultowards all ofcreationrespecting allthat is in nature.
without motion,and is consequentlynot measured by time.There is, therefore,no before andafter in Him.Aquinas‘ point isthat temporalityand motion implieschange, but God isnot subject to change,therefore he iswithout time and motion.
Burned outon religion?Come to Me.Get away withMe and you willrecover your life.I will show youhow to take areal rest.Walk with Meand work with Me.Jesus Christ tells you and me.‘Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the…
For if we diedwith Him,we will alsolive with Him;If we endure,we will alsoreign with Him;If we deny Him,He also willdeny us;If we are faithless,He remains faithful,for He cannotdeny Himself.’(Ref. to St. Paul’s 2 lettertoTimothy 2: 11-13) .
Amalekite withtorn clothingand hair full ofdirt who stumblesinto Camp Ziklagwith the news:The people havefled from the battle,many of the peopleare fallen and dead,and Saul and Jonathanhis son are dead also.(Ref. to 2 Samuel 1: 4Of the Old Testament) .
sorcery, thedisadvantagedin society, money,property, andlending laws.God set beforethe nation arange of legallaws including,employment law,the treatmentof servants, murderand manslaughterlaws, and lawsdealing withviolent assault.(Ref. to. In Exodus 21of the Holy Bible)
the immortal,omnipotent Godis to look to Christ,Who is the imageof the invisible Godin every godly attribute.
the little deerwould beoverwhelmedby its cravingthirst, orovertakenby the deadlyattack of thecruel enemy.
this emotionalintelligence.They areself-awareness,self-regulation,motivation,empathy,and social skills.(Reference to Daniel Goleman’swork in emotional intelligence) .