may lead to a
leaving the
individual alienated
from his or her
own strengths, which
in turn may result
in a disconnection
between the individual
and his or her own
character strengths.
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our knees, onpraying ground.That is based on arelationship, madepossible throughrepentanceand redemption.Prayer is coming intoperfect fellowshipand oneness with God.
In the view of
it is faith supportedby reason andreason supportedby faith thatleads to aknowledge ofdivine reality.Ultimately, itmeans thatneither reasonnor experiencein their owncapacities canknow God exceptthrough arevelation ofthe Divine Himself.
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There was a quiet man who would pray in the Ganges River every morning.
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God not only
whole heart,He wantsyour heart whole.God is notsatisfiedwith a half-heartedoffering.
Good God, we ask your love,
We ask for your peacebecause we need peace.We ask for the strength to believebecause we can buildwith you in your kingdom of love.We ask for your blessingbecause you alonecan give it to us.