for the biggest
questions of life,
such as who
you should marry,
how you should
raise your kids,
what is meaningful,
what is a virtuous
way to live,
is there a God
and what is God
like, then, absolute
proof is not on offer.
for the biggest
questions of life,
such as who
you should marry,
how you should
raise your kids,
what is meaningful,
what is a virtuous
way to live,
is there a God
and what is God
like, then, absolute
proof is not on offer.
emotional andsexual comforts.It is sweeter thanall dreams and illusions.
afraid, and anxious,think aboutwhatever is true,whatever is honorable,whatever is just,whatever is pureand find comfort in it.(Referring toPhilippians 4: 6-89
and what aweshould floodour beings aswe contemplatethe momentousposition, of workingwith The Almighty.
and the exactexpression ofGod’s perfect nature.He is the oneWho sustainsall things byHis powerful word.
In discovering Godthe seeker discovers himself.
history shows clearlyhow in different partsof the world, withtheir different cultures,there arise at the sametime the fundamentalquestions which pervadehuman life: Who am I?