We are bone of His
bone and flesh
of His flesh by faith.
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The caged bird sings.
They reflect the life ofJoy and freedomwhich it has lost.The caged bird singsfrom the sorrows of her heart.
It is precisely our identity
false self or from allthat we supposed that we were.The identity-giving relationshipwith the living Godemerges from communionrather than informativecommunication.God is person.The mystic also is a person.Therefore, all is presenceand communion.
A world without
unimaginable.Without sublimeand moral rulesdisorder, violence,and chaos will reign.As a consequencepeople may reachagreements to behavein a particular way sothat individual lifeand property wouldbe safe and be protected.Yet, if there wereno moral standardsbeyond humaninvention,the cleverand powerful wouldmake their own rulesand the weak willhave to follow them.
The mystic meditates
of Him stirred by the historicalwitness because he is whatthe mystic believes he is becoming.The christian mystic stakeshis existence on the veracityof the witness of the evangelistthat the Father and Son are one,that He is the dispeller of darkness.
There can be no fresh start,
of any individual,group or communityunless we are ableto see and admitour own inadequacyand past failures.Once we begin to see,to experience and toadmit our weakness,then we can begin toappreciate the fundamentalprinciple of the spiritual life,that we cannot go a singlestep forward without God.
Now she who
indeed andwho has beenleft alone,has fixed herhope on Godand continuesin entreatiesand prayersnight and day.(Ref: 1 Timothy 5: 5)