with all that is pure,
wise, profound, and humane
in every kind of culture.
The striking feature
of this dialogue is
no syncretism, indifferentism,
the vapid and careless
friendliness that accepts
everything by thinking nothing.
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A poet shouldenter
with all that is pure,wise, profound,and humane in everykind of culture.Butthere should beno syncretism,indifferentism,the vapid and carelessfriendliness that acceptseverything by thinking nothing.The dialogue should be serious.
In the case of
originating fromsensation, thereis indeed thislimitation, that itcauses theapprehensionof such thingsonly as areactually present.But this limitationdoes not extendto cognitions ofall kinds, nor toall instrumentsof knowledge.
Eternal God,
to end of the universe,you are unfolding in timethe truth that already existed.You are unveiling the beautythat is yet to be and orderingall things with your mighty arm.(It is my faith that God is unfolding and unveilingslowly into my life, the truth and beauty which existed from the beginning of creation. God knows that I…
By faith,
with the Lord Jesus,when He offeredHimself up asthe ransom-pricefor our sin.Although our old,sinful nature willcontinue to lustagainst our newlife in Christ duringour sojourn on earth.
You are born in love.
Love is your natural state.Hatred and evilare from the powersof darknesswho likes todevour you.
God calls me now.
„Die to your own self.’Why Lord God?„Only thenyou can live for me’.