in thought and word and deed.
Recognize me as your
only master (Guru) .
I am your father, mother,
brother, spouse,
God and all.
Be steadfast in my service.
(The teachings of the Vedas) .
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The measurement
does not includemovement.For Aquinas,and the theologianswho preceded him,eternity isgenerally definedin its negativerelation to time.While time isMutable, eternity isimmutable,while time is flowing,eternity is static.
You have turned
you have taken offmy sackclothand clothedme with joy,so that my soulmay praise youand not be silent.O Lord my God,I will give thanksto you forever.(Psalm 30: 11-12of The Holy Bible) .
If you care for
and purity of your thoughts,it will take you toa whole new world.Above all that, youwake up a wholenew person, refreshed,revitalized, and reborn.Check your thoughts.Remain in purity.
Begin to ponder
of our lives.Think of the precariousnessof the society in which we live.Then we will end up incontemplative prayer.It bcomes an urgent need.We lull ourselvesinto thinking thatthings have alwaysbeen a certain wayand therefore willalways stay the waywe imagine them to be.But this is not the way life is,and time is harshly morelinear than it is cyclical.
We marvel atthe
of interceptormissiles whichcan computein a flash thepoint of interceptionof another missileand be thereat the correctinstant to makecontact.Just think of thehuman brain,how wonderfullyit acts every moment
The mind is everything.
the inner attitudesof your minds,you can changethe external life.Research showsthat you’re what youbelieve yourself to be.