We were feasting and making merry Christmas comes but once a
And Christmas is a festive season and to tradition we adhere.
Charmeen did not seem so happy she seemed down a bit tonight
She was drinking wine her favourite and her favourite wine is white
Perhaps she had one too many wine can go straight to the head
What’s the matter with you Charmeen? just a little tired she said.
Suddenly she started sobbing tears she could no longer choke
Tears for years that welled within her through the dams that held them broke
And we felt moved at what we’d witnessed and merry making was cut brief
And we could only watch in silence at her outpouring of grief.
Margaret put her arms around her what’s the matter with you dear
That white wine you drink is strong stuff it is stronger far than beer
Wipe your tears away dear Charmeen ‘i’ve a hankie i can spare’
And it will ease some of your burden if your sorrows you will share.
Charmeen regained her composure and we waited till she spoke
I am sorry, i am sorry but my heart is almost broke
I was happy as a young girl in my homeland in Vietnam
But my happiness all ended when the awful war began.
I have not forgot that morning when the foreign soldiers came
Took my father and two uncles ‘they were free of any blame’
And their planes came two days later and the hills around did burn
And my father and two uncles never to us did return.
Two years later my only brother trod on a hidden landmine
And his death was almost instant for months mum did grieve
and pine
And she passed on two years later she had took all she could take
War can be so very awful it can cause so much heart break.
I have spoiled your night i’m sorry very sorry Charmeen said
Margaret’s right the wine is stronger and it went straight to my head
I am sorry i must leave you a good sleep will make me right
And as she stood to leave and donned her coat her parting words ‘good night’.
‘No’ she did not spoil our party as the party carried on
But i thought of that poor woman and her past from her not gone
War had brought to her a sorrow that she still carries today
And her awful past still with her and her past won’t go away

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