And a long long way from Australia to Ireland
And even further still to Millstreet Town.
I’ve been to the sub tropics of south Queensland
And in Gold Coast park lands heard the figbirds sing
And o’er the grassy hillsides of east Gippsland
I’ve heard the skylark carolling in Spring.
I’ve heard the bellbirds piping in New Zealand
In the high woodlands on the tall beech trees
And seen the hot springs boil at Rotorua
And smelt the sulphur blowing in the breeze.
And what have I to show for my adventures
The memory of great beauty that is all
I’ve only seen a fraction of this Planet
Whoever spoke the words the World is small? .
I’ve seen the Catskill mountains in New York State
Where Rip Van Winkel slept for forty years that tale you know
But my memory of those hill by now have faded
For that was more than thirty years ago.
But my schoolgoing friends who never emigrated
Are they not better off than I today?
They should not see it as a disadvantage
That they’ve not been to places far away.
I left the fields and mountains of Duhallow
And I’ve been to places off the beaten track
I found it hard to drag myself from Millstreet
And I find it even harder to get back.
If you have always lived in your own district
And you have never been to places far
It only proves your strong sense of belonging
And how happy with your lot in life you are.
I’ve seen some of the World beyond Duhallow
And so many roads I’ve travelled up and down
And a long long way from Australia to Ireland
And even further still to Millstreet Town.

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