And his political beliefs are quite different to mine
So he’ll never be my mate and that suits me fine.
He is devoted to his family and wife
And he too embraces some of the good things in life
And he is as good if not better than I
And why we do see things differently I do wonder why?
My ways and my values he does not understand
And we are as different as gravel and sand
I am a fringe dweller and he is certainly not
Since his church and community to him mean a lot.
On different things we have different ideas
And we are as different as chalk is from cheese
I am not patriotic and Mother Nature’s my God
And to one such as he that must seem very odd.
He honour his Country’s leaders and war soldiers and those who died brave
And on the flag pole in his front garden his Country’s flag
On blustery days when the freshening winds blow
You hear the cloth flap as it toss to and fro.
My ideas are different and I find peace and ease
Walking the path by the lake in the sun and the breeze
And a song bird is piping and I drink in the sound
Where Nature’s beauty is everywhere around.
My apathy towards patriotism, politics and religion I scarce can disguise
And though many may see me as not well informed and unwise
I’m not one who try to rid others of sin
And converts to my beliefs never did try to win.
I feel out on a limb and my friends are so few
But my Goddess is Mother Nature and to her I am true
And with his family in church on sunday to his God he pray
We do seem so different in every way
Whenever we do meet we both say hello
But friendship between us it never can grow
He is a nice man and I know him by name
But we are so different no two are the same

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