The wind driven waves of saltwater are lapping on the sandy shore
And above the bridge to Phillip Island the black backed Pacific gulls soar.
The tourists walk out on the jetty enjoying their southern holiday
They come here from the Asian Cities and make the most of their brief stay
Their next bus stop most likely the Nobbies where they will watch the penguin parade
The traders do well in San Remo and they prosper on the passing trade.
The fishing boats moored to the jetty and the black backed pelicans by them swim near
As the fisher men gut their catch they always feed them and human kind they do not fear
Two cormorants fishing and diving and one on a lone rock nearby
With his craw full of fish is relaxing with his wet wings stretched out for to dry.
San Remo on an April evening the sea breeze blow in from the bay
In a quiet park overlooking salt water it is a pleasant Autumn day
And Nature’s beauty all around me for such scenery one would gladly pay
And cars, trucks and buses pass to and fro on the high bridge on the Phillip Island highway.

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