to a memory left still and cold.
What has happened on this hearth of dry and bloody
stone to bring a tear to a frozen passer-by?
A hint of weeds blew gently over and touched the green
grass ground.
For a few seconds it stayed slightly bent and popped up
again without the wind.
Sticks stuck mightily in a garden rare, of chicken wire,
rags and bare, bare roots heaving everywhere.
Things are bad and flowers gather in small crowds to see,
hear and feel the wind-swept flood of tears.
A cloud crawled into the bluest of skies and like an ax,
it fell upon these eyes.
Knowledge that this one hadn’t any silver lining.
Blades of grass whispered silently through the air and
clung heavily to their small round bits of earth.
A dandelion blown away to send it’s seeds for newness
come again in spring.
Life goes on, it cries and is scattered throughout the
nearby skies.
Rolling upward curves a hill and falling, it goes down
the other side.

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