rearranges facets heretofore unknown.
Collapsing ancient ideas, leaving them on
sidewalks after the sun goes down in disarray.
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Beautiful patterns interlacing among different species of trees, placed in a desert garden alongside a small creek of running water.
Selfishly holding onto every aspect seen, wanting to keep it to self for all time.Yet, knowing even as I write, that all who read this will know where I am and will be able to see my little corner of heaven right here inside this and many other poems.
Cracking through walls of life,
and friendship, comes rumor.Tantalizing as it may be tospread around, rumors will alwayscome back haunting and slappingwith redoubled zest.
Rhythms dancing in my mind, gracefully touching,
Lovingly caressing moments of interior solitudein rhymes.