Formed within creative processes of thought, ideas flow incessantly, not allowing for normal routines to block or mar the view.
Saturated from all aspects, facets continually flow from all exigencies, burying piles of exaggerated timelessness.
Flowering in the bosom of desire, deeper yearnings are brought to mind, forging like steel, images into everlasting memories.
Saved from an age-old decay of unspent wisdom, overjoyed at the prospect of living in another land of creativity unbounded by certain limits set on earthly shores.
Expanding oceans, shrinking deserts, any type of event a person could want.
Picking up shells along the shore, finding different imprints every time one looks.
Fluttering, flying, casting out triangular placement invented with a globe, circumferenced and illustrated with intense familiar style.
Created pillars rise above ordinary stations of life, placating no one, yet instilling the essence of joyous freedom within a genial intellect.
Untouched by the severity of a limited vocabulary, expanding and alliterating on and on into the universe eternal.

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