Ten years of victorious stewardship of the fold,
He leads each one of us to the road paved with gold.
In the break of new dawn of September seven;
The valiant guide was tasked by one God in heaven;
The year two thousand nine nicely brought a great day,
For the entire flock to submit and obey.
Not even a minute was wasted by guardian,
In defending the faith against lies of Satan;
The beloved leader edified the members,
With inspiring message found in biblical verse.
He has intensified the primary mission,
By preaching the gospel to each race and nation;
Millions of visitors have shown their interest
To discern more about the right pathway they quest.
We beseech the Father to give His love and care
To shepherd who travels via land, sea, and air;
Personally seeing the brethren overseas,
As the Almighty’s aim will never stop nor cease.
Year after year the Lord lets His loving hand bring
Blessings to the far east where the sun is rising;
The leader’s excellence and ardor overwhelm,
For God guides him during a decade at the helm.
Topic: 10th anniversary of Bro. Eduardo V. Manalo’s leadership (Sep 7,2009-Sep 7,2019)

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