give him power.’
Let us test Muhammad’s character.
He was badly treated by Quraish at Makkah,
He was severely injured at Taif,
He with his tribe was confined in a hill,
Hungry and thirsty,
Hinda and Abu Sufiyan were his worst enemies,
Abu sufiyan lead Quraish in the wars against him,
He was forced to leave Makkah and migrate to Medinah.
But when he conquered Makkah,
Not even a single drop of blood was shed,
He declared a general amnesty, to Hinda even,
Who plotted killing of Hamza, his beloved uncle,
Through a Sidi,
And had ordered the sidi to bring the lever of Hamza,
And when Sidi obeyed her commands,
She ate lever of Hamza.
But in return Prophet ordered the house of Sufiyan,
Along with House of God, The Kabah,
Is a place of shelter where none can be killed,
And he appointed Sufiyan as Governor of Yemen.
Even the Hinda and the Sidi were forgiven,
So this was character of Muhammad,
Peace be upon him.

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