when the terrorists struck
and New York went amuck?
Will the people forget,
with naiveté bet
that the world is now safe
for the meek and the brave?
I remember the places
and the hate-laden faces,
those who took a last breath
and then jumped to their death.
But the world will not learn,
as its heartfelt concern
is replaced like worn dentures
with exciting adventures.
We are busy destroying
(which to me is annoying) ,
what has served us so well.
And we’re looking to Hell
for the answer to cancer,
like a talentless dancer
who comes, hat in his hand
to deceive and demand.
We create new diseases,
a scenario that pleases
all the powers to be.
But not you and not me.
We establish committees
in the towns and the cities,
in an effort to make
a most wonderful cake.
We, the doc’s are enticing
to finance the sweet icing
for the privileged few
I am sorry, not you) .
And the way all this works
is when arrogant jerks
make dependent the masses
while they sit on their asses
and invent all new tricks
while the worker Joe licks
all his flesh wounds at once.
He’s abandoned his guns
for the good of the nation.
As his own operation
is performed in a clinic
by a greedy old cynic.
So, we point our fingers
to the terrorist threat,
while the acrid smoke lingers
and the newspapers fret.
Thus, we see the smoke’s traces
far away, in the distance.
And we turn our black faces
toward thoughts of existence.
Our little red engines
race to save a strange home.
Fight the fire with vengeance
on the outskirts of Rome.

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