So many masters a day.
The naughty and sensual
agent of the employer
with his vast hollow jaws
shallow, vulture eyes
at the girls that enroll
who join here to swell,
and pocket ever ready
to swallow all
that I would manage
to have my purse bulge
for my child’s future.
I have to please this man
To keep my back free
from slaps and kicks of the
outraged public within campus
that shower often.

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So many masters a day.
The Principal in charge
fat with his desires,
loaded with greed,
wicked at the heart,
witty with a brain
always ready to put me
into situations adverse
to throw me into his drain
of unfulfilled dreams and
insatiable desires
that would curse.
I have to please this man
to keep my job
and image at the office
safe and clean.

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So many masters a day.
My employer from
The distant city
Who visits the School-
On weekend days,
On the day –
I often promise
My dearest wife at home
To be at her
Beck and call
To father my child over there
Waiting all week along
To listen a song
From his papa
working elsewhere.
I have to please this man
To upkeep my job
And income round the year
secured and bulging.

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So many masters a day.
And the guardians
of students that register
to this great school
here that I monitor
as they succumb to
the web of lies
and the evil tricks
that our gang of agents
and team of predators
frame to trap them
as much more the campus
can hold and steer.
I have to please these men
To keep my increment
And position here
On a sound footing.

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So many masters a day.
And last but not the least
are the staff and coworkers
who come here
to earn their bread
and butter and pleasure
Who speak
more than they know
and listen
less than they should
those who never teach
but preach ever,
play tricks with their future,
those who dictate the students
the pages of the text books
word by word
in the name of educators.
I have to please these goons
To keep my job
And image at the office
Shine as noon.

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