And dogs will communicate by email and cats will play guitars
And wombats will be astronauts and taking trips to mars.
Before a fully enlightened human age fish will have learned how to live on land
And miles and miles of lush green grass will cloak the desert sand
And sharks and dolphins will live at peace and all creatures of land and sea
Will not compete for territory and live in harmony.
Before a fully enlightened human age war will be a thing of the past
And snails will be born with long legs and be able to run fast
And people of hunger will not die and a good life enjoyed by all
And humans with each other will live in harmony as well as with all creatures great and small.
Before a fully enlightened human age Heaven will be on Earth
And people will not be privileged by their right of birth
And everyone will live forever more and none will have to die
And the predatory lion in reality with the timid lamb will lie.

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