Bitter Bitterly
All in life,
In life-sea.
Again and again
We live
In the sea.
We love the sea,
But ourselves
We like not to see.
Life- a comedy.
Life- a tragedy.
Life- not merely a body.

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And booted.
These domestic scenes,
Could erase one’s attraction
For enchantment with one devoted
To a life of commitment and love!
It seems too easy to be beaten,
By the one first sweet…
Then spoiled by a left hook,
After ducking!
In attempts to work things out…
Sparring in boxing bouts!
Or sit to drink at a local bar,
Of being misunderstood.
To find one alone…
Stooped in a stupor!
Or mangled behind a hood of a car!
And it is said,
Times have changed!
People are more deranged and convinced…
A knock out punch solves their dilemmas!
If we developed our skills
To listen without barking,
And park out reactions!
A walk down the aisle
Will keep trials and juries,
Out of the minds of those who are not sitting,
With crossed fingers…
At the reception!
For those who are truly matched,
For the sounds of wedding bells…
And not for the slam,
Of awaiting prison cells!
‘I do!
And God…
Let us communicate,
For the sake of our united love! ‘

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