for the welfare of others,
to become generous,
open-hearted and open-handed.
‘The pure in heart are blessed, ‘
describing the ability to approach
all people free from duplicitous
motives, free of self-serving.
‘Peacemakers are blessed.
they’re nothing less than
the children of God.’
Peacemaking is the ability
to be candid, constructive,
and caring; to pursue peace
in a world that is full of war,
dissension, conflicts and arguments.
‘Those who are persecuted are blessed.’
It is a call to have joyful
purposefulness finding
courage in affliction,
finding perseverance
in opposition.
These are wonderful traits.
These are the traits of leadership
and loving fruitfulness.
(Ref: The Sermon on the Mount of Jesus. Mahatma Gandhi was very much influenced by these ideas to form his art of Nonviolence) .

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