A white Christmas
was going to happen this year.
The three ghosts arrived
at Scrooges house that night,
entering they found a note on the table
he left especially for them.
Sorry fellas for your wasted trip
I have flown off to a warmer climate.
I have gone where the sun
will shine all day long
and I won’t be back
until Christmas is long gone.
You will have to sing carols
without me I’m afraid,
but have a nice Christmas.
Sorry you couldn’t haunt me this year.
Tiny Tim has plenty of toys
and the Crochets have a big bird
thanks to their Uncle Scrooge.
As for me
I have a suntanned beauty
on my lap sitting here under a palm tree.
You’ll just have to haunt
someone else this year.
Have a spooky holiday
and I might, I say might
see you next year.
Signed Dear Old Uncle Scrooge.
15 November 2014

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