Acid rain
Atomic summer
Extinction of exotic flora and fauna,
The points
Taken from science studies.
If the climate changes abnormally,
What will it happen?
Will flowers not bloom in spring,
Will spring not come,
Will summer be excessively hot
Singing it all,
Scorching it all?
If winter does not come it in time?
How will it be the heat wave?
How will be the atomic summer,
Heat and radiation,
The blast of fire flames?
Will it rain acid?
How the dark clouds of poisonous smokes and gases?
Will the peacocks not dance,
The blue birds not fly,
The vultures not to be seen,
The porcupines,
The green pink-necked parrots?
I see the woodlands cut down,
The forest tracts cleared,
The earth bereft of greenery,
The hills nude and barren
With the chunks and blocs of rocks
Blasted and used as chips.
The deer roam not the forests,
The black bears too have been shifted to zoos,
The hanumans too hang it not
Nor the red-mouthed rhesus monkeys,
Neither the lions whose roars I used to hear once
Nor the tigers used to caged and caught.

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