on your first birthday, you have by Ghanaian tradition
with 1 boiled egg you opened your birthday
the neighbors were so kind and very sweet to you
Mamma has baked traditional apple pies
BIG party in the gardens of the neighborhood
hot burning sun, but oh so cool and cozy under the Linden
from the far Netherlands have come, your intimate Vrinden
that has been an extraordinarily great feast
This year 2019 you are with your dear Mom and Dad to Thailand
to help the refugees
your mom has got a working place
in the refugees´ sector near the border with Myanmar
that’s God’s spot with the wonderful teakwood house
comfortable and cool
Grandma Sylvie is also not there, dear Vinhie,
exactly as in Ghana she is not on the spot
sweetie, have no grief,
we come to cuddle you later, don’t forget that
Pluk and Mug still stay with us, well cared for with great pleasure
soon we will see each other again, sweetie
your Mamma is doing her best in tropical care amongst the refugees
as a tropical specialist
with your Pappa on vacation as the Anesthesist
Daddy cares for you as Mamma works, exactly like in Ghana
the babysitter is also present
and the dirty clothes go to the Laundry in downtown
Dear Vinhie, a very happy and pleasant day tomorrow with much love,
oh, yes Dad has rented a car,
so the bikes are not being over-used
during the 6 months, then you can get your ice creams again,
dear Treasure of Grandma
don’t have to go with Pappa on the bike anymore
and you can reach more spots now
For your birthday, from Grandma for now a BIG kiss,
please kiss the iPad
ha-ha, dear toddlerboy what have you grown again
you always walk and run through life
it is obvious you are God’s given
you live so cheerful-proud, you have no one, not one hair mortified
see you soon, dearest Vinhie
lots of kisses and till later
your Grandma Sylvie
P.S. this letter is also for you later, whenever you can read already

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