Deepen your love for
one another
and you will serve
with love and care.
Spend time in silence
andyou will receive
the grace to listen
to God and God’s poor.
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By what means
to know of theintrinsic values,and what possiblerelevance theycould have toour existence,if there is noinherentmeaning andobjective value.This is a bigquestion.
Plato proceeds
assumption thatthe unexaminedlife is not worth living.The person whonever reflectson what he or she oughtto be doing to leada good life worthyof human beingsis not living a lifethat is worth living.
If you expect
for the biggestquestions of life,such as whoyou should marry,how you shouldraise your kids,what is meaningful,what is a virtuousway to live,is there a Godand what is Godlike, then, absoluteproof is not on offer.
The sinner hugs Wrath and anger tight.
The vengeful will have no peace.Forgive the injustice of your friend.Pray for those who offend you.In anger if you liveCan God ever forgive you?Forgiveness liberates the soul.It removes fear.So it becomes a powerful weapon.Remember your last days.Set enmity aside.Remember death and decay.Cease from sin.Overlook faults.Do not hate.Remember God is watching you.
The danger of taking
modernity is thatof reproducingthe very separations,dualisms, and gapswe need to overcometo transcendnihilism byremainingin prevailingphilosophicalpresuppositions,in particular,the nihilisticview that the world isobjectively valueless.
We can intellectualize
is as long aswe want, butit is a processthat takes timefor most.When betrayal andmiscommunicationinhibit our abilityto forgive,it is normalto feel those feelings.Shock and angeroften comesbefore forgiveness.
Deepen your love for
one another
and you will serve
with love and care.
Spend time in silence
andyou will receive
the grace to listen
to God and God’s poor.
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What springs up
– – –The more youunderstand thenature and scopeof the Word,the more willyou see the demandit makes on youand how unreservedmust be yoursubjection to it.
The life of faith, the human,
of the man who becomesGod’s own possession,who lives and breathesfor God alone will proclaim:In my ending is my meaning.
I am powerful,
I am fascinatedand in awe ofhow quickly I heal.My body is aperfect healingmechanismbecause thereis energy in me.
Observe the strict rule
in thought and word and deed.Recognize me as youronly master (Guru) .I am your father, mother,brother, spouse,God and all.Be steadfast in my service.(The teachings of the Vedas) .
(About Sr. Faustina Kowalska)
is what we mean whenwe say ‘offer it up.’This humble attitudegave Jesus the spaceHe needed toaccomplishgreat things.It is through our unionwith the Cross of Christthat mercy comes, notonly into our lives, butinto the whole world.The Lord usesour trials toextend his mercy.Because of her faithfulness,the whole believers areblessed with a greaterawareness of theinexhaustible mercy of God.This…
Nonbelievers think
loved us, and desireda relationship with us,then surely he wouldexclude all possibilityof doubt at least withregard to knowingthat he exists.But since there arehonest inquirerseverywhere whodoubt God’s existence,this problem of divinehiddenness bymany philosophersand theologians.remains a problemfor the enquiring mind.