Continue to protect the rights of those…
Clearly crazed with ignorance.
And sending signals of racist intent.
With given and granted sentiments,
To do things documented…
As a tradition,
That is becoming more demented!
Gun toters define for themselves,
What is liberty.
By the rights to wound and maim.
And make claims of self-defense,
A government amendment…
They uphold,
And have not gone against.
With a purpose to hunt anything that is deemed,
Game for sport
And other games supported…
To distort,
Reasons to sell…
And cavort if licensed.
An unapproved I.D.
Could get one a weapon…
Over the internet easily.
To market on the street…
In exchange for drugs.
Or something even more devious,
Secret and discreet!
Does a madness…
Labelled as it is and justified,
Continue to protect the rights of those…
Clearly crazed with ignorance.
And sending signals of racist intent.
Be granted sentiments,
To do things documented as being demented?
Some laws followed today,
As rules in dusted books…
Were clearly devised,
At a time when geese would fly…
At shot by Quakers.
Seeking meals to satisfy!
Now reasons to keep guns under pillows,
Mattresses and near to the bed…
Says a lot about insecurities.
And the fear in people’s heads.
They get no sleep…
Awaiting a prowler instead!
Gun toters define for themselves,
What is liberty.
By the rights to wound and maim.
And make claims of self-defense,
A government amendment…
They uphold,
And have not gone against.
Only to witness their children die…
From needless accidents!

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