how many nails have you driven?
how many cows have you milked?
how many fields have you plowed?
how many women have you loved?
how many loves have you lost?
how many sick children
have you sat up with?
how many diapers have you changed?
how many double shifts have you pulled?
how many fights have you won or lost?
how many times have you got knocked down,
and then got back up?
how many times have you stood up,
when everyone else stayed seated?
how many times have you spoke out,
when everyone else remained silent?
how many times have you given,
more than you could give?
no, dont tell me
(that you’re a man) …
prove it to yourself!

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you just bombed his country
back into the stone age.
dont tell me:
‘it’s not what Jesus would want.’
you just killed
the people that he fed.
dont tell me:
‘it’s not what Jesus would teach.’
you keep burying women and children
right next to the oil fields.
dont tell me:
‘it’s not what Jesus would die for…’
you’ve been nailing him
to that cross for 2000 years!

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From Greece to our times,
They have sung to Love
Millions of times,
Never giving up,
The Hope to find it.

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From Greece to our times,
They have sung to Love
Millions of times,
Never giving up,
The Hope of finding it.

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