into believing that
they give it security
and freedom from worry.
But in truth, they are
what cause anxiety.
The heart which clings
to goods receives
with them the choking
burdenof worry.
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Love draws all things to their home in God.
of the mutual desire existing betweenman’s spirit and the Divine Spirit.This is the universal law on which all mysticism is based.This natural intense attraction,then, once he is aware of it,will draw the pilgrim irresistiblyalong the road from the Many to the One.Devotion embraces the whole contemplative life.
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course of a wholelife without asingle grave fallwould be a special grace.We are easilydistracted by ouremotions and acquiredtendencies, and soit happens that evenpeople who arenormally uprightand living good livescan still fail seriously.Or we can havehabits of sin wherebywe fall and riseand fall and riseagain and again.
A mystic poet wants
with all that is pure,wise, profound, and humanein every kind of culture.The striking featureof this dialogue isno syncretism, indifferentism,the vapid and carelessfriendliness that acceptseverything by thinking nothing.
Every conflict
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God, as has been
without motion,and is consequentlynot measured by time.There is, therefore,no before andafter in Him.Aquinas‘ point isthat temporalityand motion implieschange, but God isnot subject to change,therefore he iswithout time and motion.
We all seek for
We may wait for yearswondering which is my way.Wefool around a lotuntil we find our spiritualconsummation and culmination.This is the day of satisfactionwhen we shall fall downin prostration before a Godwho is beyond all religionsand human concepts of God.