This dusk may mumble last words of sunset
But this beauty is golden and renovated.
Like dawn empowers this dusk also does,
This is trust that tells truth about you and us,
Dear eternal father, your image shines here,
In nature we find your fragrance of wisdom.
Before sleeping we receive your grace,
Like every leaf receives golden rays of sun,
Peaceful dusk takes every moment into hope,
Golden sky carries pink droplets of happiness.
Death is gateway of renewal of green life,
Birth is brightness that shines in new dawn,
We are not attached with illusion that motivates,
Eternal souls we are and we never die at all.
Eternally you empower us by your power,
Getting your mercy and grace in natural light,
We perform our duties in beauty of righteousness,
Oh dear Supreme Soul, you enlighten our path.
© Kumarmani Mahakul,10 March 2018. All rights reserved.

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