by personal moral values.
equal means equal.
each person’s values are different.
we are not qualified to judge!
every person…
has the right to love,
and to be loved.
has the right to happiness.
we cannot define love by fear,
cannot define justice by ignorance.
if we were all meant to be just alike,
we would be clones.
we are not!
the beauty of life
is in our diversity.
whether you are gay, straight,
or bi…(i hate labels) ,
you are human…
i wish for you love,
peace, respect, and happiness.
i vote against amendment one,
and for humanity!

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no more talk of
the ‘land of the free’.
you founded this country
over the scattered bones
of 100,000,000 Native Americans.
built this country
on the backs of
African-American slaves,
and poor Scotch-Irish refugees,
who turned your earth,
and built your homes.
‘give me your tired, your poor…’
more cheap labor?
to build your cities,
your railroads, work your steel.
how many faceless bodies buried
in your cold dark mines?
how many second class young men
sent off to war?
how many women paid less,
treated as less?
how many farmworker immigrants
paid too little,
treated like trash?
how many slum children
sent off to prison?
how many lives sold off
for bottom line profit?
disembodied jobless,
driven from their homes?
how many minimum wage slaves
praying for food stamps?
how many ‘cant afford an education’
futures written in stone?
how many sparrows on the fence?
you want to honor those who’ve served?
all of these,
the people who have served you!
who have met your needs!
Memorial Day, an epitaph!

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