Is it true love or it is fake,
How to know she really loves you?
I never got anything,
Unless and until I gave something,
When I could not give anything,
I didn’t get anything.
I don’t expect exact returns,
Sometimes it is more than I gave,
Sometimes it is lesser,
I don’t find anything wrong in it,
Important are the sentiments,
Behind this give and take,
If it is love, a time comes,
When love results in amazing reactions!
You pass sometime with her,
She passes sometime with you,
And after some time you are tired of her,
And she is tired of you.
To be tired is a part of life,
It doesn’t mean love has ended,
Everyone becomes tired of continuity,
Renovation of love is the answer.
Ignore your beloved for some time,
Be rude to her and avoid her,
See how she reacts,
If she too ignores you, forget her.
If she comes to you with a rash attitude,
Abuses you and even slaps you,
And finally she cries,
Your love is renovated.

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