And not to heed their warnings is not a wise thing
Yet the masses the praises of the war men do sing.
We get what we desire the very wise say
And for our mistakes we’ve a huge price to pay
We elect back to office these awful war men
And far better than they serving time in the pen.
When we look at our Political leaders our own selves we see
They mirror the face of our society
They cause death and suffering but we voted them back
The last war on Earth was not fought in Iraq.
Enough nuclear weapons Human kind to destroy
A peaceful World few well may live to enjoy
By mass deaths and sufferings peace is never won
And who should have Nuclear weapons the answer is none.
The threat of nuclear war greater now than ever before
Yet the words of the twenty first century sages we choose to ignore
For those who cause mass deaths and sufferings we give an encore
And reward them with power for one term more.

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