from God they are alike.
In God all things are equal
and are God himself.
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succeed in nurturingthe innate principlesof virtue and if thetruths on whichthe happiness ofmankind dependscould be established.
Earthly goods deceive
into believing thatthey give it securityand freedom from worry.But in truth, they arewhat cause anxiety.The heart which clingsto goods receiveswith them the chokingburdenof worry.
The fundamental
spring from the wonderawakened in themby the contemplationof creation.Human beingsare astonishedto discover themselvesas part of the world,in a relationship withothers like them,all sharing acommon destiny.
There is an extreme point
touches the Absolute.His ground or substance,his true being is penetratedby the Divine Love.The experience of the divine lovereveals to the mysticthe underlying reality of things.This is the basis on whichthe whole mystic claimof possible union with God rests.It explains asceticismand the self-renouncing life.
truth, God shinesin the hearts andconsciences ofeveryman whobelieves in Him.Jesus was ableto exposethe hypocriticalsin that waslurking withinevery man, elder,scribe, and phariseethat stood beforeHim that dayof accusingthe woman.(Refering to the Gospeltext in which Christsaves the womancaught in adultery.)(Graphic: Laurinda Martin saved to Church of Jesus Christ General Conference Messages.)
Some beautiful experiences
a profound way of beingand perceiving realitythat we each carry within.Through those spiritualexperiences, we can learnto use to bring abouta more conscious,connected, and spiritualway of living that isliterally just waitingfor us to give us aglimpse of consciousness.