personified, the home
of all perfections,
pervading all and
all that is pervaded.
God is:
indivisible, infinite,
the Blessed Lord
of unfailing power.
God is:
the unqualified, supreme,
transcending speech
and the other senses,
all seeing and irreproachable.
God is:
invisible, unattached,
formless, without illusion,
eternal und untainted
by Maya, very bliss.
God is:
beyond nature,
the Omnipotent
Lord who dwells in
every heart, desireless,
free from passion
andthe imperishable Absolute.
God is the sum of truth
and intelligence and bliss.
In him delusion finds no
ground to stand upon;
can the shades of darkness ever find the sun?
(God concept explained in Uttara Kanda)